Life Is Like

A Rubik’s Cube

We help students build confidence, develop valuable life skills, and simplify life through solving a Rubik’s Cube.

Simplifying life by solving life’s Rubik’s Cube.

Life Is Like A Rubik’s Cube is designed to teach students how to solve the twists and turns of life by teaching them how to solve the twists and turns of the Rubik’s Cube. Too many people overcomplicate the Rubik's Cube and associate being able to solve it with being a genius, and not enough people realize that everyone has a genius inside of them.

Our mission is to extract the genius from people and Simplify Life by Simplifying the Rubik’s Cube. We have developed 5 steps to solving a Rubik’s Cube and that mirror 5 steps to solving life. Learn more about our 5 steps below.

Discover 5 Steps

Elementary School

1st-5th Grade

Middle School

6th-8th Grade

High School

9th-12th Grade

College Student


There are too many students who are sitting on the sidelines due to a lack of confidence and life skills. I intend to aid in the fight to change that.

Derrick StandiferFounder
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How To Solve A Rubik’s Cube

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Here are the 5 steps to solving life's Rubik's Cube.

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Step 1: Believe In Yourself

Before we can accomplish anything, you must first believe in your ability to do so.

Step 2: Solve Your Cross

The second step is to establish a strong WHY that will keep you going in this journey called life.

Step 3: Fill In Your Corners

The third step is to fill in our corners by immersing yourself in a nurturing environment.

Step 4: Take It To The Next Level

The fourth step is to continue to grow and continue to get better each and every day.

Step 5: See The Bigger Picture

The last step is to stay focused on the goals that you have set for yourself.

Bonus Step: Don’t Take The Stickers Off

There are no shortcuts in life. If you take the stickers off, you ended up with a ruined Rubik’s Cube.

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